Dr. Janice K. Jackson - City Club of Chicago

Dr. Janice K. Jackson

Chicago Public Schools

Thursday, Aug 29, 2019

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Dr. Janice Jackson

Dr. Janice K. Jackson is Chief Executive Officer for CPS, the third largest school district in the country.

Dr. Jackson is responsible for numerous CPS departments, including the Office of Teaching and Learning, which provides high-quality curriculum to engage and empower students, and the Office of College and Career Success, which works to guarantee that every student in every school has the resources they need to be successful in college, career and life. Other departments under her purview include the Office of Language and Cultural Education, which ensures that a language barrier never stands in the way of a child’s success, and the Office of Diverse Learner Supports and Services, which provides students in special education with a high-quality academic experience that is tailored to their unique needs.

Since assuming the role of Chief Education Officer in 2015, Dr. Jackson has focused on building excellence, equity and access across the District, especially with regard to CPS high schools. Through a comprehensive High School Strategy, she is raising both the bar and the stakes for these crucial academic years, working to ensure that every student in Chicago has a quality high school option within three miles of their home.

Dr. Jackson is a progressive, forward-thinking educator who believes in setting the bar high. Her 3-Year Vision for CPS, which was unveiled in 2016, is a comprehensive, research-based strategy that will launch CPS to even higher levels of student achievement. The vision focuses on promoting academic quality, building stakeholder trust and integrity, and achieving fiscal stability, and is a carefully crafted plan for guiding work across the District.

Dr. Jackson holds a Masters in Leadership and Administration and a Doctorate in Education in Policy Studies in Urban School Leadership from the University of Illinois at Chicago. She was a member of the University of Chicago’s Network for College Success, and is a past board member of the Chicago Children’s Advocacy Center. She was also honored by the National Council of Negro Women Chicago as a Woman Making History.

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